Neurodiagnostic Technology (NDT)

Technical Standards 

General Job Description
合格的申请人应该满足所有的录取标准,以及必要的 functions. 要求合理住宿以满足这些标准的学生必须 在需要住宿时书面通知项目主管 of admission. 学生需要在新的ESC中联系ADA顾问 (招生服务中心)提交相应的表格证明需要 accommodations.

Functional Ability Category

Representative Activity/Attribute Examples

Gross Motor

  • Move within confined spaces
  • Sit and maintain balance
  • Stand and maintain balance
  • Reach above shoulders
  • Reach below waist
在ICU环境下的功能:在ICU病房中走动以执行手术 on the patient. 还必须阅读病人病历,设备设置,和/或设备 displays. Sit to record findings. 改变头部以上和腰部以下的设备设置; 把电器插入墙上的插座.

Fine Motor Skills

  • Pick up objects with hands
  • Grasp small objects with hands
  • Write with pen or pencil
  • Key/type
  • 捏/挑或用手指工作
  • Twist
  • Squeeze with finger
将药瓶举到眼睛前阅读. Squeeze medication vials to empty. Squeeze Ballard suction catheter button. 抓握和读取小仪器,如音量 measuring devices. Write in patient chart. Record patient data in record. Change settings 在设备上转动旋钮,观察变化.


  • Stand in-place for prolonged periods
  • Sustain repetitive movements
  • 保持8或12小时的身体耐受性
  • 能够在白天,下午,晚上和晚上进行活动.
站立并对患者进行重复性操作,如胸部物理治疗 and CPR. 在8小时轮班期间,定期重复上述步骤. 


  • Push and pull 25 pounds
  • Support 25 pounds
  • Lift 25 pounds
  • Carry equipment and supplies
  • Use upper body strength
  • Squeeze with hands

Assist patient from bed to chair. Hoist patient up in bed. Move patient from stretcher to bed and back. 携带药物、脉搏血氧仪、听诊器或其他设备 to patient room. 从呼吸科推呼吸机或其他重型设备 to patient room.

移动其他设备,如脉搏血氧仪,IPPB或IPV机. Lift equipment from 床身高度与床架高度的比值.



  • Twist
  • Bend
  • Stoop/squat
  • Move quickly
  • Climb
  • Walk
站在病人床边时,切换显示器的设置. Bend to change 设备设置在地板上,膝盖水平,腰部水平,胸部水平,眼睛水平,以上 head. 收集设备,立即对病人进行人工复苏. Make rapid 必要时进行调整以确保患者安全. 如果是紧急情况,请让路到病房 is called using stairs.


  • Hear normal speaking level sounds
  • Hear faint voices
  • Hear faint body sounds
  • 在看不见嘴唇的情况下能听到
  • Hear auditory alarms

听病人的呼吸音,判断病人是否有呼吸. Listen to heart 通过声音判断心脏是否在跳动.

确定病人呼吸音的强度和质量,以帮助确定 a diagnosis. 听到声音警报,如通风机警报. Hear overhead pages to call for emergency assistance.


  • See objects up to 20 inches away
  • See objects up to 20 feet away
  • Use depth perception
  • Use peripheral vision
  • Distinguish color
  • Distinguish color intensity
阅读病人病历以确定正确的治疗方法. Visually assess patient color to assess for hypoxia. 读取监视器和其他设备上的设置. Visually assess for changes. 目视确认设置,如通风机显示.


  • Feel vibrations
  • Detect temperature
  • 感受表面特性的差异
  • Feel differences in sizes, shapes
  • Detect environmental temperature
通过感觉病人的脉搏,体温,触觉炎,水肿, subcutaneous emphysema.



  • Detect odors from patients
  • Detect smoke
  • Detect gases or noxious smells
评估来自病人或环境的有害气味(例如气体) leak or smoke). 
  • 阅读和理解书面文件 
阅读和解释医嘱,医生,治疗师和护士的笔记. Read from a computer monitor screen. 收集合理准确、数量合理的数据 相对于其他护理人员,确保对患者进行安全和有效护理的时间.
Math Competence   
  • 阅读和理解写作专栏
  • Read digital displays
  • Read graphic printouts
  • Calibrate equipment
  • 转换数字和/或从公制系统
  • Read graphs
  • Tell time
  • Measure time
  • Count rates
  • Use measuring tools
  • Read measurement marks
  • 加,减,乘,和/或除整数
  • Compute fractions
  • Use a calculator
  • Write numbers in records
阅读和解释病人的图表和图形显示. Perform basic arithmetic 功能为了计算分风量,转换温度,正确 放置刻度管等功能. 

Emotional Stability

  • 建立适当的情感界限
  • Provide emotional support to others
  • Adapt to changing environment/stress
  • Deal with the unexpected
  • Focus attention on task
  • Monitor own emotions
  • 同时履行多项职责
  • Handle strong emotions

提供安全的病人护理,尽管快速变化和强烈的情绪环境. 同时执行多项任务,例如:运送药物或氧气 在一个房间进行动脉血气检查时在另一个房间(如紧急情况下)进行 room environment.

保持足够的冷静,在危机中提供安全有效的病人护理 circumstances.

Analytical Thinking

  • 将知识从一种情况转移到另一种情况
  • Process information
  • Evaluate outcomes
  • Problem solve
  • Prioritize tasks
  • Use long-term memory
  • Use short-term memory
评估不同来源的诊断信息,以帮助患者做出诊断. 评估优先事项,以便提供最适当的护理. Appropriately 评估数据,以便在必要时通知医生和护理人员.

Critical Thinking

  • Identify cause-effect relationships
  • Plan/control activities for others
  • Synthesize knowledge and skills
  • Sequence information
评估不同来源的诊断信息,以帮助患者做出诊断 and treatment. 评估数据以制定适当的行动计划.

Interpersonal Skills

  • Negotiate interpersonal conflict
  • 尊重病人、同学和医疗团队成员之间的差异.
  • 与病人、同学和医疗团队成员建立融洽的关系.
与不愉快的病人、家庭医生和护士进行有效的沟通 其他工作人员为了达到病人的治疗目标.

Communication Skills

  • Teach
  • Explain procedures
  • Give oral reports
  • Interact with others
  • Speak on the telephone
  • Influence people
  • Convey information through writing
与医生、护士、病人、家属进行有效和适当的沟通。 和其他工作人员,以便提供最有效和高效的病人护理. 



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